This blog was created to share with friends and family, the daily saga's of our household. I struggle daily with wanting to share special moments and memories with loved one's, so here it is, our life on the world wide web!!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Long Time, No Blog

Saturday, July 12, 2008
Summer Fun
We are also getting ready for vacation. We leave the end of this month for Boston and Milwaukee. We are driving the kids to Rich's sister and he and I are flying to Milwaukee for an FBI Conference. This will be the first time since right before Payne was born that Rich and I have been away just the two of us! We are looking forward to getting to know each other again! We will return to Boston on the 30th and Rich bought me tickets to see The Eagles at Boston Gardens!! I am PUMPED. I love the Eagles and cannot wait to see them. This is my anniversary present. Rich and I have been married for 13 years and I love him more today than I did then. Really, I do. I just love him different than I did 13 years ago. If that makes any sense!!
Today, we worked in the yards, and after we finished and were cleaning up and watering flower beds, Meg and Payne decided they wanted to learn to ride bikes with no training wheels. Those who know Meg, know this was possible disaster!! She surprised me! Just a few more lessons and I think she will have it. Payne did great also, he is just a natural at everything. He reminds me more of his daddy everyday. There is not a whole lot that Rich does not do well. He masters everything, excepting Mac and Cheese! Payne is going to follow in his fathers footsteps. Here are a couple of Pics from the Bike Lessons:
Love you all,
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
I know...
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Play Ball!!
Well, friends, it has begun. T-Ball Season is now open. Saturday was opening ceremonies and God blessed us with the weather. It rained early Saturday morning and then quit before we even left the house. Each team was called out and names announced. As you can see, Payne is a proud Dodger! Rich is a pretty proud coach too!
I know that it seems that I only talk about Payne, but you must remember, he is with me more than the girls. Keep that in mind.
Meg-Meg is singing at school tonight for our PTA program. Her program is titled "I Like School and School Likes Me". She is soooo excited. She truly does love school. She is still a reading machine. She has read 60 something books since she came back from Christmas break. Way to go, Meg.
Emma had associational Bible Drills this past weekend. She needed 16 points to make it to District in Ozark and Emma got 13. She was upset, but we told her for her first time, that was great. Out of all the first timers, she scored the highest.
Maddi is on Spring Break this week and spending some time with us. Yesterday, we went to clean the van, that is usually Wednesdays job, but I did not do it last week. After that we went to the grocery store and strawberry patch. I think I have decided that I want her to come live with me! What do you think, Lisa, can we work out some kind of arrangement!
I hope you all have a great week and I will post pictures of Meg-Meg from her PTA program later and if I can get Emma's head out of the clouds, I will get some of her too.!!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Happy Easter!!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
It has been a while
Monday, January 28, 2008
The Middle Child
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Payne's Teeth
This was the next morning. For those who don't know the whole story, Mary Meaghan would not go anywhere near Payne until the swelling went down in his gums. Made for some quite days at my house cause you all know, when the two of them get together, well... It was really sweet though, Mary Meaghan cried every time she looked at him.
This is the best he could do at showing his gums.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
One of my favorite things
All mom's need a son. This little boy is such a sweetie. Most of the time! He is not a very affectionate child though. He does not like anyone to see him give his mommy hugs and kisses. He says that morning smoozies are for mom and night smoozies are for dad!! Afternoon smoozies are for no-one!
One of my favorite things are Payne's two front BLACK teeth. Yes, I know that may seem strange to you but let's remember that this is a private blog, only for friends and family, so you guys already know that I am strange. As for those of you who don't know the "rest of the story", here it is:
In July 2007, my children were at Water World with my sister, Lisa. I had gone to the doctor about my knee, (that story is reserved for another post!). I had just returned to WW and gotten in the wave pool with Lisa when Payne asked if he could jump in. Sure, I said. Our friend, Margaret, was there to catch him if he needed it, but he was doing really well. Then he decided he would show off for his favorite lifeguards, and started jumping off backwards. Well, I am sure that you can imagine what happened next. Yes, he hit his mouth on the pool deck. I was watching from the knee deep waters of the wave pool, when I saw Eliot jump in and emerge with my son in his arms, nothing but blood from the nose down.
After getting him to the first aid room and determining that the blood was coming from his mouth, I called the dentist, she was out until 3 p.m. Keep in mind it was 1 p.m. Lisa and I took him home and I got nervous and took him to the Pediatrician who then referred us to Dr. Bess, who is a really good looking oralmaxofacial surgeon. After visiting three doctors that day, Payne went home with a really monked up grill and lots of bloody towels.
Well, over six months later, Dr. Wright feels that it would be best to remove the damaged teeth. They are baby and he will loose them in the next few years anyway. If this had been one of my girls, I would be heartbroken, but he is a BOY and those of you who know him, know that he is 100% BOY. I will try to post a better pic, so that all will see how BLACK those two front teeth really are.
Just one of my favorite things...
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Getting Started
I talk to my sister almost every morning on her daily commute to work. We must enjoy our time together at 5 am. You see, I have three children and trying to catch-up with loved ones is not possible when the two younger ones are awake. Don't get me wrong, they are not wild animals, (okay, yes they are!), children just want your attention when they can't have it. I don't want to miss telling loved ones anything. I want to share it all with each of them. I just can't do it everyday. I already should be folding laundry instead of this, but this is much more fun!!
I want you all to enjoy. As I learn more about this process, I will post daily pics and every little thing I can.
I love you all and hope you enjoy.