Yes, it has been over a month. Trust me, lots has happened since my last post. Where do I start?
Emma had a science project to do. She choose to do it on Cyclones. I was surfing the web for info on the recent cyclone in Myanmar and she thought it would be interesting. We made a cyclone and Margaret helped with the display board. I think it turned out great.

Mary Meaghan graduated from Kindergarten! She absolutly loves school. She wanted to know if she was starting First Grade in June. I had to explain that we had a couple of months vacation then she would start 1st grade. She was sad at first but then I reminded her of Water World!
This is a picture of Meg-Meg and one of her teachers at Church. Anna surprise Meg by coming to her graduation. This made her day. After it was over, we checked her out of school so she and I could spend the day together, she choose to go with Anna!! Made me feel special!

T-Ball is over and I must say, I am a little sad. I love baseball. Those of you who have known me for a while know that this has always been a passion of mine. I can remember watching moms at highschool baseball games and I could not wait to have my son play ball. If I can brag, I am going to even if you don't want me to, Payne shows some real promise as a ball player. Several weeks ago, he had been begging his daddy to pitch to him. Rich did not think that he was ready, but boy was he wrong. He was hitting them!! Later, he wanted to go to the batting cages and once again, he was able to hit the balls! The best T-Ball game was against the Mets. Most of the kids on that team go to church with us. It was good it was T-ball, because we were all cheering for the RBC kids, regardless of teams. Before this game, we had a big cookout at our house. My mother, sister Debby and brother Eddy and his family were there along with our friends, Neil and Tiffany and their son Landon. Landon and Payne played ball together and Neil and Rich were the coaches. It was lots of fun. After the cookout, we all went to the game. It was really special for me to have my brother there to watch Payne play ball.