As I reflect on the last several months, I can think of a lot that has happened since my last post. The family took their vacation in late July and drove to Boston! It was great. The kids travel really well, we are blessed there. Rich and I left the kids in the care of Auntie Deb and Dawn and the BatVan in the care of Uncle Bobby, and he and I went to Milwaukee for his FBI retrainer. We had lots of fun, just the two of us. That is the first time we have been off together without kids since we were expecting Payne. It was some much needed time away. When we returned to Boston, Rich took me to see the EAGLES at Boston Garden's! That was too cool. To be as old as they are, they can still rock! They went onstage at 8p.m. and when Rich and I left at 11:50 p.m. ( we only left because the last train out of Boston was at midnight!), they were still onstage!
There were no accidents while we were gone, until the day we were to leave to head back home and Payne was watching Uncle Bobby work on the motor for the waterfall for the pond in the backyard, and Payne put his little hand on the pump motor to brace himself so he could see the polywogs in the pond and burnt his hand. Rich, Auntie Deb and Payne made a quick trip to the ER and got it all wrapped up then we left for Alabama. He was no worse for the wear and was swimming again in just a few days.
While Rich and I were in Milwaukee, we both read a wonderful book. The Shack. My Sunday School teacher, Ms. Tommie encouraged us to read it. I loved it. Rich loved it. That is the first book I have read in years. If you get a chance to read it please do.
When we returned from Boston, school began. Emma is in the 5th grade, Meggers is in 1st and Payne is in 4P. It is hard to believe that in August, Emma will be in middle school and Payne will be in Kindergarten!
I promise to keep up with my blog this year because I don't keep up with family like I should and this is my way of saying that I love you all. I have good intentions but you know what they say about that!
I love you all and please let me know that you are reading this or else!!!
This pic was from Christmas Eve. Santa drove through our neighborhood on an old firetruck. We caught up with him and the kids jumped out and got pictures with him!