Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The British are Coming!!!

This is from our recent trip to Boston!

We had such a wonderful family vacation, probably one of the best yet. We left on a Tuesday afternoon and arrived at Rich's sister's on Thursday. The kids were great travelers. Played lots of "Punch Bug" and "PT Bruisers"! No matter how many Richie had, Payne had "One" more!

Rich stayed with us until Sunday then had to return home for meetings. The kids and I hijacked my sister-in-laws GPS and hit the road. Those of you who really know me, know that this was a stretch out of my comfort zone but with the help of the GPS we made it safely to each destination.

One day we traveled to the Salem Willows and had pizza, played arcade games, fed the birds and walked the shoreline. Another day, we went to Salisbury Beach. That was wonderful! I am pretty sure that I am supposed to live somewhere just like that one day!

Rich returned to Boston on Friday and the kids and I joined him for some sightseeing. This was the first time the kids remember being in the city. Emma got to see some history lessons come to life and I think she was really excited, although she would never admit it!

On Sunday, Rich got tickets for the Ole Town Trolley and surprised me with tickets for a three hour Whale Watching tour! I was so excited! We learned lots of history that missed the books and witnessed several whales on that Sunday!

The kids returned to Middleton while Rich and I enjoyed a few days to ourselves. Although I did not get to attend a Red Sox game as they were out of town for two of the weeks we were there, Rich and I did get a tour of Fenway Park. That was also amazing, got to see parts of the stadium that I would not have seen if I was just there for a ballgame. Rich and I have decided that when Payne becomes a Red Sox and buys us a house on the Vineyard, Rich will work as a trolley guide and I will be a Fenway Park guide!

After our stay in Bean Town, we returned to Middleton to a huge pig roast hosted at Rich's sisters house and catered by his brother. Lots of friends and family gathered for the feast.

As we left for home, we decided to route our return home through Lexington, SC to watch DAL boys play in the world series. What a fun way to end our time together.
Again, this was an amazing family vacation. We are so blessed to be able to spend this time together and grow as a family. Lots and lots of "Hostage Time" with the kids and even as a married couple.

School started as soon as we returned, so sad. Along with the start of school, school projects also began. Emma had to do a project from the Revolutionary War. She choose to do Paul Revere's home and why the British soldiers did not choose to stay in the Revere home ( a small piece of trivia learned on our trolley tour). Big thanks to our friend, J for crafting Paul Revere!